Cyberspace Bar Association General Membership

Membership in the Cyberspace Bar Association is Free. To fill out the membership form, click here!

Membership includes a geographical listing as well as a practice specialty listing in the association directory, periodic bulletins on law practice related computer software developments and availability, notification of seminars and continuing education, and constant updates of Internet resources.

There are many other valuable member benefits. While basic membership provides a text only listing which includes name, address, specialty, phone & Fax number, Directorships are also available. A Directorship includes a web page, listing and links in up to three specialty fields, ie. Criminal Law, Family Law, Personal Injury, ect. A site including 1 color photograph, complete biographical information and dynamic links to associates, clients and/or legal resources is only $100 a year with membership. For Directorship information, Click here.

If you would like to join the Cyberspace Bar Association please fill out and submit our membership form.